Boomsling Labs

Not your normal incubator.

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Where Superhero Founders Rise

Starting a company is hard—like, saving-the-world hard. Founders face impossible odds and sky-high stakes. They carry the weight of the world on their shoulders.

But the world needs those founders! - the ones who will take the world to a place it didn't know it could go without them. Those with the desire and abilities to create something out of nothing at great personal sacrifice.

Let the adventures begin!

Whether you are flying solo or have a team of 6, we can flex our space to fit your needs.

Open Desk

Need a sidekick to join your company? An open desk is a great way to meet other superheroes.

Office Space


Sometimes you need a place to change into your supersuit. And conduct super business.

Apply to Boomsling Labs

It's time to suit up!